After many moons of travel, I don't have too many pictures of the great Christmas journey because I forsook my Nikon for my tiny point and shoot Canon, which for the most part, drives me nuts. It's just... sort of a piece of crap. But I did manage to catch a few gems with family I rarely see, which was great.

Case and I traveled to Oklahoma where my family lives and also my dear friend, Jennifer Hoppa. This was the first stop on our trip. Jen was my bff in high school and is just an all-round quality person. We brought her a crapload of cheese from Trader Joe's as her christmas gift, which was promptly devoured at her apartment...

From Oklahoma, we stopped at my grandmother's house in Starkville to see her side of the family, then on to Jackson, Tennessee to see my grandfather and my dad's side. My best friend Hannah picked me up from there and brought me to Nashville where we were for the last three days of our trip. There we stayed at her new house (which is ADORABLE) hung out with her fiancee (!)(yes, she has set a date and I am the maid of honor. SWEET!) We got to see so many of our old friends in Nashville. It's amazing how many of them have relocated and ended up there, including some of our Santa Barbara friends. It all just culminated into one crazy big New Year's celebration. It was so amazing to see my California friends meet my roommate from college, friends from Kentucky, etc. It was like worlds colliding in the best way possible.

A shout out to everyone we got to see! Thanks for being so amazing to us!