Hi guys. I just finished reading this book and I'm so excited! I think the Lord wanted me to read this to be more at peace with the car situation. I was praying that somehow a car would come out of nowhere, but instead I found this at the library yesterday. It's really fascinating! It talks about how the average american SUV driver could save 10,000 DOLLARS a year if they just rode their bike places and used public transit! I mean seriously. That's awesome. I'm going to try it. This whole time I was praying God would take care of the transportation problem. The Lord answers prayers sometimes in funny ways.:)
Argh! I'm so mad at myself. ALready I'm slacking on posting. Meh.

Today, I'm trying to wrap up some housing stuff for myself. Things are still kindof floating around and nothing has really lined up, although the possibilities have presented themselves. Which is more than I had before.

The Lord is really, REALLY testing my faith. But it's good. I'm growing through all of this in ways that I never would have dreamed. God is good, in spite of my tumultuous life.

AND it's almost the weekend! Call me I wanna hang out


Anonymous said...

We'll turn you into a Californian yet.