Pilates power

Greetings, all. This post finds me sprawled out on our couch, feeling victorious for doing a half hour of body bending, back stretching neck cracking pilates. Oh yeah. I feel very... stretched. A girlfriend of mine teaches pilates at a school in town and gave me one of her "beginner" videos, which was actually pretty easy. Maybe I'm not in such terrible shape? Hmph. Yeah right. I'm going to be seeing one of her plays this weekend and she'll probably ask if I watched it, so I figured I should go for it. Maybe I only did it out of guilt, but I'm glad I did.

Yay. I feel accomplished. :D

Case is in the kitchen, making some sort of soybean concoction that smells... well. Really, really good, actually. I'm not sure he's cooked anything I haven't liked in the 6 months we've been married. I surely did luck out.

Tonight, I'm excited because I get to go out with my good friend Sarah and have girl time and hear about her amazing trip she just got back from. She's been in Europe for 11 days. JEALOUS.

Also, everyone reading this should know that today is "World Philosophy Day." Read this from the BBC. How much do I love the BBC? I wish I worked for them and then I could use words like "centre" and "nationalise."
