new scooter

Also, I realize that I never actually introduced my blog and the digital world to Case's new scooter. Also, you can see my new Jetta (!) which I purchased back in January. I know. I am wayy behind in keep everyone updated on big life events.

Allow me to introduce you to....

BETTY BLUE AND SALLY SCOOT! (oh yes, we've already named them.)

I love my car so much, even though she has a dented headlight. :(

Case and his AMAZING goggles. HA! I can't believe how cute this kid is. Also, this is the cyanotype filter from Adobe LightRoom. Isn't it neat?

Happy Case.

We're really silly. Man, what a relaxing weekend. I've slept about 48 hours in three days. Well, not really but I've slept 10-12 hours a night AND been able to indulge in naps. AMAZING! I am so rested. Church tonight. WHOO. More later friends!